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Information Processing Theory: Optimize Learning Skills for Success

April 17, 2024/

Information Processing Theory is a foundational idea in cognitive psychology that describes the human mind as a complicated information-processing system similar to a computer. According to this idea, people use a variety of cognitive processes to encode, store, and retrieve information, which shapes their perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors. At its foundation, Information Processing…

Cognitive Triad:  Enable Growth with Essential Insights

April 14, 2024/

A key idea in cognitive psychology, especially when it comes to diagnosing and treating depression, is the cognitive triad. In the 1960s, psychiatrist Aaron T Beck created it. The term “cognitive triad” describes the three main elements of pessimistic thought processes that are frequently seen in depressed people. Among these are pessimistic ideas…

Bowlby’s Attachment Theory: Promoting Healthy Attachment

April 13, 2024/

A pillar of developmental psychology, Bowlby’s attachment theory offers deep insights into the nature of interpersonal relationships and emotional growth. Fundamentally, this idea highlights how early attachment experiences have a significant impact on how people develop socially, emotionally, and cognitively over the course of their lives.  According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, babies have…


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