How to Respond to I Miss You

How to Respond to I Miss You? 50+ Perfect Replies

Have you often received an “I miss you” text and had doubts about how to respond to I Miss You? They can come from a partner, an ex, a friend, or a family member, and it is crucial to know how to reply.

Below, you will find over 50 of the most helpful, thoughtful, and romantic responses to these messages. After going through this guide, you will be in a position to reply as needed while being polite and understandable. Dive in and become a pro at responding and dealing with “I miss you” texts!

How to Respond to I Miss You

When You Miss Them Too

When you miss them too, the replies focus on feelings and expectations toward each other, creating a sense of togetherness and longing. They highlight the precious moments spent together and propose ways to reconnect, establishing closeness.

You can reply in the following ways:

  1. I find myself thinking about you a lot these days. Life is incredibly dull when you are not around.
  2. I miss you too. I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
  3. Same here. Let’s plan something soon!
  4. I have also been longing for our moments together too. I am looking forward to catching up soon.
  5. Hey, man, it has been a really long time since we last went out. Let’s make a call or meet up.

Without Saying It Back

Responses that don’t mention “I miss you” reflect a shift from emotional to functional communication. They respond politely and change the subject to keep the communication friendly without directly acknowledging the sentiment.

You can reply in the following ways:

  1. I am glad to hear from you. How have you been?
  2. I hope all is well on your side, too. What’s new with you?
  3. It’s been a while! It would be great to talk with you sometime. What’s been going on?
  4. Let me reflect on what you said during our last conversation. What have you been doing recently?
  5. Glad to hear from you. We should find time to talk soon!

How to Respond When Your Ex Says “I Miss You”

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Giving Someone a Second Chance

These replies are meant to encourage the subject to consider re-establishing contact and addressing previous problems to enhance the relationship.

You should reply in the following ways:

  1. Yes, I’ve been thinking about you as well. Let’s discuss it and attempt to resolve the conflict.
  2. I also have missed you. What if we arrange to meet and then we take it from there?
  3. I might have changed my mind the past few days, and I am willing to give us another try. Let’s discuss it further.
  4. Your message took me by surprise. I’d like to know if we can try it again.
  5. I miss you too. We should discuss what happened and whether it is possible to correct it.

Responding When You Genuinely Don’t Miss Them

Be honest and take care of yourself when expressing your emotions while respecting the other person’s feelings. This approach helps preserve personal space and allows for a constructive way to move on.

You should reply in the following ways:

  1. Thank you for your message, but I would like to find the direction that is right for me at present.
  2. Hello, It was nice to know that you missed me but to be frank I don’t miss our meeting times at all.
  3. Thanks for reaching out. I have been through the process of moving on, and I no longer have those feelings.
  4. I comprehend your feelings, but I have been OK, and I do not long for the kind of relationship we once had.
  5. Thank you for writing to me, but I am currently looking after myself and do not share the same feelings as before.

Learn More: My Wife Never Initiates Intimacy: 7 Solutions That Work

Expressing Your Desire to Remain, Friends

These replies aim at keeping a positive connection but state that the romantic aspect of the relationship cannot work anymore. They allow for continuing support and respectfulness, which can be helpful to both partners as they move on to a friendship level and is a good way to end any relationship.

You should reply in the following ways:

  1. I appreciate your message. I want to be friends and to keep up our friendship.
  2. Thank you for reaching out. I am willing to be friends if you are okay with it.
  3. I’m glad you contacted me. I would like us to remain friends and remain in contact after this.
  4. Thanks for your message. It would be wise if we remained friends and helped each other from a distance.
  5. I will be glad to hear from you. We should maintain friendships with each other and let them continue in that manner only.

Responding to Your Partner’s Miss You

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Adorable Replies

Cute replies are friendly and kind, expressing sincere feelings. They express feelings and affirm affection that enhance the bond between the individuals involved in the relationship. Such replies create a sense of attraction in your partner, and as a result, he or she will want to spend more time with you.

You should reply in the following ways:

  1. Oh, you know, I miss you even more now. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
  2. Just the thought of you makes my heart flutter. Miss you tons!
  3. Wow, you totally brightened up my day! I really long for you!
  4. I was thinking about you! I wish I had more words to express how much I miss you.
  5. I miss your smile, your laughter, and the way you are!
  6. I can hardly wait until we meet again, my dear. Miss you!
  7. I wish I could have you with me right now!

Funny Replies

Funny replies add humor to the conversation, brightening up your partner’sface and making them laugh. Laughter can reduce pressure, drive away sorrow, and make the interaction a more pleasant one. These replies demonstrate that you are not dull and make the conversation fun.

You should reply in the following ways:

  1. Miss you? Who are you again? Haha, kidding, you too!
  2. Are you longing for my spectacular dancing or terrible sense of humor?
  3. Miss you like a squirrel misses its nuts!
  4. It’s not possible to miss you any more than I miss pizza, and believe me, that is a lot.
  5. You must be really bored without me, huh? Miss you too!
  6. I have been missing you so much that even my dog noticed this.
  7. Miss you like crazy! Even my mirror is tired of seeing just me!

Romantic Replies

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Romantic responses are more profound and deeply emotional and have solid and passionate undertones. They help in bringing the partners together and remind them of their vows in the relationship. These replies are essential for ensuring a healthy romantic bond, especially when the couple is geographically apart.

You should reply in the following ways:

  1. Each minute that we are apart is a lifetime. I miss you deeply.
  2. Oh, my darling, these hours seem like ages; I am waiting impatiently to hug you tightly. I miss you endlessly.
  3. Without you, my days are never the same. Miss you, my love.
  4. You are my sunshine, and it feels like a part of my heart is gone whenever you are not around. I miss you, dear.
  5. Sweetheart, I find it very difficult to be apart from you as you mean everything to me. I miss you beyond words.
  6. Now that you are no longer by my side, the world seems boring to me. I miss you terribly.
  7. Our love transcends distance. I miss you with all my heart, sweetheart.

Related: Strictly Platonic Relationships: Hidden Facts Explained

Responding with Kindness When You’re Not Feeling Sentimental

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Answering with kind words when you are not in an exceptionally loving mood shows respect and empathy without reciprocating the emotional depth. These replies are considerate and polite, accepting your ppartner’semotions and asserting healthy personal boundaries. They assist in ensuring that the communication is always positive and respectful, which is crucial to any healthy relationship.

You should reply in the following ways:

  1. I appreciate that. Greetings, and I hope you are fine.
  2. Thank you for sharing this with me. Take good care of yourself.
  3. Thanks for sharing that. IIt’snice to know you are thinking of me.
  4. I know how you feel. Also, I hope that it will not be too long before we can meet again.
  5. I miss our conversations. Hi there, I hope all is well with you.
  6. Glad to hear from you. Take care, and I hope you are leading the life that makes you happy.

How to Respond When Friends Say They Miss You

  1. I miss you too! It would be great if we meet and chat soon.
  2. Well, I was thinking about you too. How have you been?
  3. Oh, I have been longing to spend some time with you. Hey mate, do you have spare time this weekend?
  4. I miss you too! What about an online meeting or conference?
  5. Same here! IIt’stime for us to arrange some things to do in the near future.
  6.   I wish I could see you happy and again enjoy the moments of joy we used to have. Let’s chat soon.
  7. Oh, I do miss you too, friend! There is no reason to wait too long to catch up.

How to Respond When Family Members Say They Miss You

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  1. Aww, I miss you too, Mom and Dad! Would it be possible to arrange a video call for this weekend?
  2. I wish I could see both of you right now; I miss you both a lot. There should be a family dinner soon.
  3. I have also been thinking about you. Would next week be a good time for a visit?
  4. I’m writing to let you know how much I’ve been thinking about you lately and how much I miss you. Let’s chat soon.
  5. I also hope to see you soon, and I’m badly missing you. Let’s plan something soon.
  6. I miss you, Mom/Dad. Why not call each other this evening and talk?


  1. Yeah, I really do miss you too, brother/sister! Let’s make it a sibling’s day out!
  2. I’ve been missing you. How are you? Let’s meet up and spend some time together.
  3. I miss you too! Any plans to visit soon?
  4. I’m actually sad because all the fun that we used to have is no longer there. Let’s plan a meetup.
  5. I miss you too! Let’s go out and have a good time next time.

How to Respond When Your GF or BF Says They Miss You

  1. I miss you too! Looking forward to meeting you once again.
  2. Being with you all the time, I ccan’twait for our next meeting.
  3. Your messages always brighten up my day. I miss you too!
  4. I miss you more! Please plan something special for when we meet.
  5. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I wish I could see you right now!
  6. With your absence, everything appears to be missing. I miss you dearly.
  7. Each second spent apart from you is equal to a year to me. I miss you terribly.

Clever Replies to “I Miss You” Messages

  1. You must be reading my mind because I was just about to ask the same question!
  2. If you were an occupation, darling, missing you was my full-time occupation.
  3. Oh, stop it; you are going to make me blush! I miss you too.
  4. It got to a point where even my dog/cat started to notice how much I missed you.
  5. Missing you has become my new hobby.
  6. That makes me a member of the ”I Miss You” Hall of Fame because you are constantly on my mind.
  7. I have devoted myself to missing you as if missing you is the only job I have to do.

Straightforward Replies When You’re Not Feeling Positive

  1. Thank you for saying so, but I am not remotely OK at the moment.
  2. Thank you for informing me. I need some time to be alone and contemplate.
  3. I do not know what to say to that at the moment. Let’s talk later.
  4. We have to communicate, but at present, I want to do something other than do it.
  5. Allow me some time to put my emotions into words so I can reply to you as needed.
  6. I love you, but I can’t discuss this with you right now; I am not emotionally stable enough to engage in this discussion.

Sarcastic Replies When You’re Not in the Mood

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  1. Oh really? I didn’t notice.
  2. Who doesn’t.
  3. That’s nice, did you lose something?
  4. Did you miss me or the person you thought I was?
  5. I’m sure the feeling will pass.
  6. Well, absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?
  7. Thanks for the update. Anything else?

Tips for Perfect Replies to “I Miss You”

When replying to an “I Miss You,” there are several factors that one should take into consideration depending on the type of relationship you have with the person. Here are some tips to craft the perfect reply:

1. Be Genuine and Honest

  • Authenticity is key. Commit to responding with your authentic emotions to foster trust in the relationship.
  • Example: “I miss you too. Can’t wait for our next meeting.”

2. Match the Tone

  • Be polite to the sender and respond with the same tone they used when sending the message.
  • Example: If they sound romantic, you can say, “I wish we could talk at night, my day would be incomplete without it.”

3. Show Appreciation

  • This involves acknowledging their feelings and thanking them for their sentiment.
  • Example: “That is really very kind of you to say so. I also miss you.”

4. Share a Memory

  • Use an appeal to the past to remember happier moments to rekindle the existing connection.
  • Example: “Do you recall that time when we went on a trip to the shore last summer? I wish we could go back there again.”

5. Express Your Emotions Clearly

  • Do not beat around the bush when expressing the intensity of your feelings toward the other person.
  • Example: “I wish you were here right now; I wish you could hug me; your hugs always comfort me.”

 6. Incorporate a Personal Element

  • Tailor your reply with something specific to your bond.
  • Instance: “I long for our Sunday morning coffee gatherings. They were the highlight of my week.”

7. Arrange a Future Meetup

  • Propose a forthcoming get-together to demonstrate your anticipation of spending time with them.
  • Instance: “I miss you as well. How about we schedule a dinner next weekend?”

8. Use Humor (When Suitable)

  • Lighten the atmosphere with a lighthearted response if it aligns with your relationship.
  • Instance: “I miss you too, but not as much as I miss pizza! Just kidding, can’t wait to see you.”

9. Be Thoughtful of Their Emotions

  • If you’re not prepared to reciprocate the sentiment, reply kindly without causing any distress.
  • Instance: “Thank you for sharing that. I value your honesty.”

10. Utilize Technology to Close the Distance

  • Suggest a video call or share a picture to make the exchange more personal.
  • Instance: “I miss you too! Let’s have a video call tonight.”


Receiving a message saying “I Miss You” can trigger a range of emotions. Understanding how to respond to I miss you can help strengthen your relationships. Here are the main points to take away from this article:

  • When You Miss Them Too: Express shared feelings and arrange a get-together.
  • Without Saying It Back: Engage in conversation without explicitly returning the sentiment.
  • When Your Ex Says It: Take into account the nature of your past relationship before responding, whether it’s for reconciliation or maintaining boundaries.
  • Partner’s”I Miss You” Use cute, humorous, or romantic responses to reinforce your bond.
  • Friends and Family: Acknowledge their feelings and plan to meet up.
  • Clever, Straightforward, or Sarcastic Responses: Tailor your reply based on your mood and the dynamics of your relationship.
  • Tips for Great Responses: Be sincere, match the tone, share memories, plan future meetups, and consider their feelings.

Pro Tip From Basics of Psychology

When responding, consider the context and your emotional state. If you need help with how to reply, take a moment to think it over. Craft a genuine and respectful response that fosters healthy communication and boundaries.

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